Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Be holy as I am holy"

Well, it's Holy Week for me, as a Christian. This is the holiday that I've tried to keep sacred. Christmas has been taken over with Santa and busyness, and really seems to have lost the 'reason for the season.' (I still try though...) But Easter? It has to remain sacred... I always tried to down play the whole easter bunny thing. My friends would include the easter bunny as someone to believe in like Santa, but I didn't do that. And I don't really do the gift thing either on Easter. It's all about Jesus. I think it's the LEAST I can do, since He DID die on the cross for my sins and take my punishment for me...

I always feel guilty working on Good Friday too... in my business, you don't get many holidays, so I usually have to work. It just feels wrong though... I also don't like it that Sundays are becoming more like Saturdays. When I was growing up, very few stores were open on Sundays. Now most are, and my daughter has games, practices and parties all scheduled on Sundays too. What happened to the 'Sabbath' day? Sometimes we just have to say no. No, I'm not going to work for conscientious reasons. No, we're not going to practice on Sunday... no, no, NO! It's so hard to watch America lose it's Christianity. Prayer removed from school. Christmas songs replaced by 'winter' songs. I heard this week that somewhere in Iowa wants to change the name from Good Friday to Spring Day. In Iowa? I thought that is in the heart of the Midwest, with those good, old Midwestern values... guess it's too close to Chicago?
I'm going to spend the rest of the week doing what I think I should - reflecting on what's really important...
it's the least I can do....