Saturday, March 13, 2010

"After all, there is something about a wedding gown; prettier than any other gown in the world." - Douglas William Jerrold

Weddings restore my hope for humanity... ah yes, love and marriage. We went to a beautiful wedding tonight, with a beautiful bride, and white twinkle lights, and wedding cake and marriage toasts. In our small town, weddings are the social events of the year. It's a great mix of really nice old people, the middle-aged, and the young kids and babies, all welcome at the event. It's part of the reason I moved to a small town and accept the fact that I cannot make as much money as I could make in the city. But when you attend a local wedding, it confirms your original thought. It's so great to know everyone in town. And to know that they look out for you, as well as your children. In our town, settled by the Germans, they used to live out on farms in the surrounding area, and drive into town on Saturdays to shop for what they needed, go to social events like weddings, and then wake up and go to church. They owned tiny houses in town for the weekends, which are called Sunday houses. These German-Americans are the salt of the earth and some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. They have kept their traditions alive, and have maintained our town as a wonderful place to live. I love my little Norman Rockwell town. I'm so blessed to live here...

Auf Wiedersehen!