Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Give thy thoughts no tongue." - Shakespeare

I wish I could follow Shakespeare's quote. Why is it so hard to do this?!

Our office all gets together on Tuesday afternoons for a few hours to do a job, so the conversation usually gets to current events. There are only six of us, and only one Obama voter among us (she's the youngest.) But it's impossible to change someone's core beliefs, and so it is with her. She is a great gal, but we are polar opposite on politics. We all tried to talk to her about the consequences of the healthcare bill on her life, but she's excited and thinks it will be great. She is for abortion, I say it's murder. She is for redistribution of wealth, saying that she feels entitled to some of Bill Gate's money. The rest of us think it's up to him if he wants to share, since it's his money. She likes the idea of government taking care of her, the rest of us do not.

People's actions reflect their beliefs. I get that. This gal is 31 and we have to teach her history. And what is the expression? Learn history or it will repeat itself? America is now reaping what has been sown for about 30 years... The dumbing down of the public school system. The removal of prayer in schools. The re-writing of the history books to reflect a liberal view. The infiltration of liberals into the NEA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and secular children's groups.
With feminism came working mothers, myself included. 'The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world,' shows the power of a mother's influence, and when someone else raises your child, your values are not imparted as you would like... Schools are having too much of an influence, and are indoctrinating our children with their agendas all their lives.
Unfortunately the results will be that this next generation will not enjoy the freedoms or great economy that mine did. Every action has a consequence....
I'm just saying....