Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

"What's up Doc?"

Next week the president, wife Michelle, both daughters and hundreds of others will be going on a presidential trip to India, purportedly to tell India how much the USA loves them...They have booked all 570 rooms at the Taj Mahal hotel, scene of the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai. They will also be taking 40 aircraft, including 3 Marine One choppers to get him around, and 6 armored cars, including the 'Barackmobile,' which has it's own built in communications centre - to enable the president to be in touch with the White House, US vice president and the US strategic command. The car also has the US nuke launch codes and the nuclear switch for the president. It can also withstand chemical or germ warfare or even a bomb attack. (Does this worry anyone else but me?) The hotel's restaurants are booked as well. It will be the biggest trip taken by any US president in terms of logistics and manpower.
I'm just wondering why....

Friday, October 29, 2010

WTHeck Fridays - Halloween is getting scarier...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My reply to yesterday's anonymous reader

Dear Reader,
First of all, thank you for reading my blog; I really appreciate it. I would like to respond to your comment. And you probably 'get' this, but what I'm saying is, that Muslims are moving to the West and they don't seem to want to assimilate. They want to bring their Islamic laws, Sharia law, and enforce it on us. The 'moderate' Muslims do not stand up to the radical Muslims, as evidenced after 9-11. They should have been loudly condemning these terrible acts of violence on innocent people, but there was only silence, but for a handful. When I was growing up, there were Muslims in other countries, but they were not out to kill the infidel like the radicals preach now.
As you probably read last week, Fox News contributor and NPR contributor, Juan Williams, was fired from NPR for saying that Muslims dressed in their garb, scare him on airplanes. NPR fired him, as they don't want anyone on their payroll with this attitude. But the fact remains, that the majority of Americans feel the same way. How can we differentiate if they are a moderate Muslim or a radical Muslim that wants to kill us?? Yes America has freedom of religion, but in America we are free to do what we wish UNTIL it infringes on someone else's freedom. Muslims are free to worship as they please, but not if they break our laws (like killing us!)
My point is that, in England the majority of males born there last year have Muslim parents. My second point is that the Muslims have been successful in converting British women to their beliefs. I personally don't see the lure since Muslims don't have the same freedoms for their women as, say, Christianity does. But people want to believe in something, and feel like their life counts.
Personally, I'm a Christian, and not just in name only. I try to 'walk the walk and talk the talk,' and know that Jesus set me free from some serious chains of sin. No one can argue my experience - I was pulled out of the gutter. I am going to heaven someday, and I am trying to take as many as I can with me. But only with my words. Like Jesus, I will make the offer, and leave someone to make their own decision. But I won't push my beliefs on someone, ever. And I won't kill everyone who doesn't believe like me...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guess what the most popular name in England was last year?

Mohammed. It shot up from third the previous year, overtaking Jack, which had topped the list for the past 14 years.
The other story out of Britain is, why are so many modern British career women converting to Islam? Tony Blair's sister-in-law announced her conversion last weekend, and journalist Lauren Booth embraced Islam after a trip to Iran.
If this isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Litmus Test

With the election coming a week from today, I feel a heart tug to tell you, my readers, how I decide on a candidate. It's simple. Are they Pro-life? You see, if someone believes that a child in utero can be aborted (killed, murdered, snuffed out) then I don't want them in office. Because it is the "litmus test" about their character.
And yes, there are one issue Democrats as well. The vast majority of homosexuals will vote Democrat because that party is legislatively in their favor. Here we have the worst economy in almost 100 years, but this group cares about gay issues more than money issues. Feminists too are one issue Democrats, choosing their party for the right to an abortion over money issues. And African-Americans. The majority of them vote Democrat, seeing that party as the one that is more pro-welfare.
Well, if we don't save the economy, then all of those one-issue folks will not have this country the way it has been since it's inception. We will collapse. Completely. And then all of those other things won't even matter any more.
The kind of candidate that believes that murder is wrong, is the kind of candidate that will vote for Biblical principles, which ultimately will save this country.
God save the U.S.A.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"A picture's worth a 1,000 words."

I'm loving this!! :0)
Today was 80's day at junior high... hmmm... I have clothes from before the 80's....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"It's not your grandmother's Halloween..."

Well, we're heading into Halloween week, so it should be a weird one. And with a full moon, even weirder...

I know from having worked at newspapers all these years, that the crazies (luna-tics) always surface around full moons, and my friends that work in hospitals say the same.
I'm always glad when November gets here so all of the evil stops and the horror movies on TV stop their constant rotation in October. And I don't know about where you are, but here in Texas, people are decorating for Halloween more and more each year. Maybe it's the south of the border influence of 'Dia de la Muerta'? There are fake graveyards in lots of yards and witches and skulls everywhere. And there seem to be a lot more costume parties for adults than there used to be. (And an excuse for women to look sexy/skanky.) In Austin, Sixth Street has become like Bourbon Street, and Halloween is even bigger than New Year's Eve for huge crowds. People come from all over Texas (and beyond) to see all of the craziness and costumes. (I don't go myself, but the Austin news channels cover it like a UT game or ACL.)
So get ready... it's going to be a wild week.

(All images are from Austin and all costumes from 6th Street's Halloween.)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Win one for the Gipper..."

Tonight was the last home game of the year for my youngest's cheer squad. And as an 8th grader, it's also the last home game of her years at her Catholic school, which she has been at since she was 4 years old. One of the other 'cheer moms' asked if I was sad, and I immediately said no. As I thought about it, it sort of embarressed me, since she was looking for a yes. But honest me, I just blurted out no....

It's not that I'm not sad that she's getting older, and it's not that I haven't thought it's been a good school for her to be at. It's just... I'm tired. And I feel guilty that I'm tired. I'm a single mom, struggling to keep my head above water. We've had financial troubles since all the national problems hit, and well, it's all exhausting. I've just sold my house yesterday, at least I think I did. I signed all the papers, but it hasn't funded, so my realtor says it could be because the buyers got cold feet. And I feel guilty that I had this child at the end of my biological clock, because it makes it worse for her. So, for instance, this week the 8th grade football moms and the 8th grade cheer moms did a cute mom's skit at the pep rally for the final home game. All of these other young cheer moms are so full of energy, so enthusiastic. They had the dance choreographed, and bought props and edited music, and we practiced four or five times. After a full day of work, I just wanted to go home and prop my feet up, but alas, for the sake of my daughter and to fit in, I showed up to all, on time, and tried to be positive. All the while though, I'm thinking, I just want to go home.... Here are all of these beautiful, young moms with tons of energy and me. The old mom. Tired. Beat up. Exhausted. Single. Struggling.
I wish it weren't so. I wish, for my daughter's sake, that she could have a mom that she deserves, who could really be someone to be proud of. And believe me, I'm trying as hard as I can. I go to these get togethers but it's like I'm invisible. All these other moms are in couples that are all friends that do stuff together. I'm single and older, and they can't relate. It's as if I'm not there. But I'll keep trying...
For DD's sake.... because she deserves it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

WTHeck Fridays - only in France...

France has been protesting the retirement age going from 60 to 62 and young people have been rioting in the streets. This couple must have been caught up in the moment??

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Going to hell in a handbasket..."

Why is everyone asking if these photos are appropriate for actors that are in a TV show about high schoolers?
ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?? Thirty years ago, these would've been Playboy material... Now, they are considered mainstream.
Our country has quickly lost it's soul (and morals.)
I'm not feeling too 'glee' ful...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Winning through intimidation..."

I moved from a big city in Texas to a small town in the lovely Texas hill country. I work in a neighboring town. Most of the residents of the hill country are lovely, conservative people. We believe in small government, gun rights, personal property rights, and all of the other conservative values. That's why it is strange that there is a gang in the public high school in the town I work in.

Yesterday all of the high school kids started telling their parents that the gang was threatening to start shooting people today. When I got to work this morning, it was all over Facebook that attendance was very low at school, that even a lot of teachers called in sick, and police were called to be inside and outside the school. Parents were calling the paper where I work with all of the rumors going around, and were very worried.
The kids were scared. Evidently these gang kids were telling certain other kids that they were going to be shot the next day, and others were texted the same. I found it all surreal that I had left the city to get away from this type of thing, but alas the city problems have made their way to our town.
And the gang? They are predominantly white and are Twilight-heads. They wear black and those strange contacts that make your eyes look red. Their gang is named the Wolfpack Gang, after the wolves on Twilight. Away from school, they are spotted around town as they wear wolf ears and tails...
Manipulation? Check. Terror? Check. Fear? Check. Power? Check.
I guess they won this one...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Hang 'em High..."

Well, that's a reference to hanging but for this case it wouldn't be a bad enough punishment... I'm talking about one of the worst murders I've ever heard of. It was not that long ago, that these 2 COMPLETELY EVIL men noticed a pretty woman at the bank and followed her home. She was the wife of a doctor, a man whom the entire town loved, and had 2 beautiful daughters. These men raped the daughters and mother, and made the father whom they had tied up, have to hear all of this. And then, when they knew the police were coming, set the house on fire, so the women had to die a fiery death. The father miraculously escaped, but his entire world was gone.

Finally these monsters have come to trial, but the headline on Drudge is, "The final insult: Connecticut home invasion killer taunts father for being too much of a 'coward' to save his family." Well down here in Texas we have the death penalty and WE USE IT FOR BASTARDS LIKE HIM. It's just a shame that he's been allowed to live this long after his transgressions. And it's a shame that we've had to waste jail space on this poor excuse for a person.
I hope this man repents. Because if he doesn't, there's a special place in hell reserved with his name on it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Election Day is November 2nd...

Barack Obama quotes:

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join me as we try to change it."

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

"And it's not surprising then they (small town residents) get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them......"

"Call to Islamic prayer is 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.' "

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ode to June Cleaver

June Cleaver died this weekend. She was 94. I know her real name was Barbara Billingsley, but to me, she was always June Cleaver. These TV moms that we all grew up with, we felt were, well, sort of like our moms too. They taught us lessons. They helped solve our problems. They were our early mentors. June was always doing housework in a nice suit and pearls. I had a stay at home mom too, but she didn't dress up like that. June and Ward always had a united front to Wally and the Beav, but she seemed to run the household how she wanted. She and Ward could certainly see through Eddie Haskill's wiley ways, but never let on in front of him. Like the time period, they had class; something the current generation needs to get a hold of.

I sure hate to see that generation die; their presence was so soothing. Now where are my pearls...

Friday, October 15, 2010

WTHeck Fridays - random things

Here's a few things that caught my eye in the news today:

1. A couple in Grand Rapids, Michigan has 3 children. Their birthdates? 08/08/08 and 09/09/09 and 10/10/10.... Now THAT'S incredible!
2. The American dollar has hit a new low compared to the rest of the world. We are not only in danger, but they say we have come to the point that we cannot pull out of... The government's solution? Print more money...
3. A young woman and boyfriend went into a CVS in New Jersey as she was having a bad asthma attack. They only had $20 and were $1.99 short. The pharmacist refused to sell it to them. The boyfriend begged and offered his watch or to come right back with the money. The pharmacist still said no. He had to call a friend that was an EMT, which saved her life. Wow... this burns me up. Who would resist saving someone? For only $1.99? And he's a pharmacist?? He needs to be fired immediately and have it on his record so no one else will hire him either. And then the pharmacist needs to go be a prison guard or something that he's more suited to...
4. Healthcare reform is to blame for the rates going up as much as 47% in Connecticut's Blue Cross Blue Shield... Obamacare needs to be repealed as fast as we can...
5. Cotton prices hit 140 year high...
6. Scientists say cancer is 'man-made' since they found almost no disease in Egyptain mummies...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fake Bday for end of volleyball

Where is their mother??

So now we know that Tish (their mother) has no problem with letting her 17 year old dress VERY provocatively, but also allows her little one to dress like a 'ho in training?'

Pullease!! Haven't Dina and Lilo taught her anything!?

"If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?"

I'm not gay. Neither is the majority of the rest of the country... But I am COMPLETELY tired of almost every television show having this theme brought in.

I don't hate gays. It's just that I'm not gay, and I don't want to watch those that are. And I don't want my junior high age child seeing it non-stop.
Last night we watched 'Glee' together, but that will be the last time that I allow her to watch it. It started out as a high school Glee club, with lots of good songs, good dancing, and typical high school themes. Now? Apparently the writer/producer is a militant homosexual, so he has taken the gay guy in the show and based it all around his gay dramas. Oh, and add gratuitous lesbian sex so that everyone will think that it's normal. Well, it's NOT.
The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination. Those are God's words so don't blame me...He makes the rules; I just try to follow them.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"In America, the majority rules."

Just read on the internet that the Cambridge, Massachusetts public school system is adding a Muslim holiday to their calendar next year... It will be for the end of Ramadan.

I think that's all I'm going to say about that...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Step by step, inch by inch"

Just read on Drudge that the McDonald's in the U.K. has now admitted (after previously denying) that they served halal chicken without telling their customers. I didn't know what this meant, so I googled it and found on Wikipedia that it is food seen as permissible by Islamic law, and is slaughtered according to Islamic law.

Islamic law requires Muslims to slaughter animals by slitting their throat while reciting an Arabic prayer which translates as: "In the name of Allah, who is greatest." The animal is required to be conscious but moderate Muslim groups allow it to be stunned before the throat is slit. Wikipedia says, "The method of ritual slaughter of animals consists of a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck, cutting jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact. It causes all the blood from the animal to gush out leaving negligible amounts of blood remaining in the body, the principle being that blood is a good medium for germs."
(Jewish law in the Old Testament says blood is not allowed in food.)
Drudge got this from the U.K.'s Daily Mail online, and with so many more Muslims in England, they are having to deal with this more often than the U.S. But Muslims continue to pour in the States, and are demanding their Sharia law.
I also read on Wikipedia that McDonald's serves halal chicken in Dearborn, Michigan (home to the largest Muslim community in our country) and that other big fast-food chains are serving hallal meat in their stores overseas. Even Texas' grocery store chain, HEB, is selling halal meat as well.
Wake up America...

Friday, October 8, 2010


Ok, I want you to watch Miley Cyrus' new video and keep telling yourself, she's SEVENTEEN!! It's apparent she wants to be the next Britney Spears, making techno dance songs for clubs... She's provocatively dancing with older men (and women) and grinding on all of them. She's slithering on satin sheets like a snake. And she's SEVENTEEN... It's disgusting. How a parent would sign off on this, and they had to, because she's SEVENTEEN! My youngest daughter will be SEVENTEEN in 3 1/2 years, and imagining her doing this kind of video makes me nauseous, but then I also have a grown daughter, and I wouldn't want her doing this sort of thing either, ever.
God gives parents the privilege of raising children and protecting them. Seems like Billy Ray and Tish have thrown their cash cow to the wolves... for the almighty dollar??

Thursday, October 7, 2010


"Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

It seems like all of the self-help books these days are always talking about your thoughts. It starts with what we think about. And God can read our thoughts, so when bad thoughts come into our minds, rather than dwell on them and give them a foothold, change the channel. Make yourself think of something else. We can't help that bad things pop in, but it's what we do with them.
Think about it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"I am a femme fatale, my dear."

My youngest is in Junior High... Ugh those are hard years.... All they care about is being popular. And being friends with the most 'popular' girl since she's 'popular' with all of the guys... Last year they picked on this one girl all year long. And she is a cute girl with neat parents, but somehow she was chosen as the 'sacrificial lamb,' the sort of 'whippin boy' for everyone to make fun of. Well, it worked and she's not back at the school this year. Now it seems they have chosen my daughter. My daughter who is also cute, but the most popular girl has decided that my daughter is the one to beat, so she has turned all of the boys which she has under her spell, against DeDe. Whatever DeDe says, it's all wrong and uncool. She is so MISERABLE! If I thought it would do ANY good, I would take it to the principal. But I tried that at the beginning of the year and it backfired. I asked that they not put popular girl and DeDe in the same class, due to her incessant barrage of attacks. Not only did they not do what I asked, but they also told popular girl of my request, and now popular girl has upped her game and declared full out war.
I know. I shouldn't get involved... I'm trying really hard not to. But I have to hear the fussing and crying almost daily. Popular girl (PG) also has the coaches wrapped around her finger, and since she's really good at sports, she can do no wrong. All of these schools worship the jocks since that brings them and the school positive attention. PG is one of the most manipulative people I have ever witnessed and I have been around the block! The closest thing that comes to mind is Scarlett O'Hara, but in a jocky, unattractive way... Also like the movie, 'Mean Girls' or actually most of the coming-of-age movies, yet PG really isn't cute. Just really aggressive, manipulative, and controlling.
I guess DeDe (and I) will get through this. Just hoping high school will be better...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Don't be a Butt-head

Today would have been my mother's birthday... she passed 8 years ago...We all miss her terribly. She was so positive...

She had lung cancer and COPD. If only she had not smoked. She was a nervous person, and smoking seemed to give her a way to use her nervous energy. But she smoked too much, so much so that it sort of defined her. Smoking is a stupid habit, an expensive habit, and it controls your life. When I think of my mother, it is smoking. Most of the pictures we have of her, she is smoking.
I WISH she would have quit for us, but she just couldn't. It was her guilty pleasure.
My mother's last words were, "I wish I had never smoked." She had a stroke the next day at the hospital when the intern gave her the wrong medicine. And she died a few days later, when her lungs hardened and the 'balloon' (lung) just could not inflate. It's a terrible death. Her face froze in a grimacing expression as she gasped for air. It still makes me nauseous and beyond sad remembering those last days.
A person as wonderful as her just did not deserve to die such an awful death.
Never smoke. never ever ever....
And Happy Birthday sweet Mama, I miss you so very much... We all do.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome the world."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"I hope you dance..."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Been a little busy lately...

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Five finger discount..."

Since today was payday, this morning I had called the bank to get my balance before my check was deposited. I called again later this morning and I was -$450! I panicked! I called my bank, and the customer service woman said, "Are you charging gas in Ohio right now?" I said, "NO!! I've never even BEEN to Ohio (I live in Texas.) She said, "Well, someone is currently using your card number and has charged $55.72 ten times this morning." AAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! I pleaded with her to fix it now, but all she could do was cancel my card. She said since it's Visa, that the charges would go through and it would take 3 to 5 BUSINESS days to fix it. AAAAAaaaaaaaahhh!!

Someone stole my PREVIOUS debit number about 6 months ago, so I guess I'm going to have to pay cash for everything, since SOMEONE... SOMEWHERE... is taking my card number and keeps using it to buy gas.
Have I told you I DETEST thieves???!!!???
If these people are smart enough to do this, aren't they smart enough to get a LEGAL job???
I can only take comfort in knowing that God's revenge is much worse than mine...