Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"We are the product of the lives that have touched ours." - Gordon Hinckley

Well, here I am ready to take on the world at age 3... I'm with Mammy, my great-grandmother whom I adored, and I think she was pretty fond of me too... What's the quote, 'It takes a village?' and I believe it's true.

I saw a movie once, actually I only saw the beginning because it sort of freaked me out, but a couple had lost their only child at a young age, and they were thinking about cloning her. I thought about this - a lot. You see you would have this person that looked the same and had many of the same tendencies, but they would not have the same set of circumstances that make us who we are. They wouldn't have the same teachers or the same friends or the same time period. Even as a clone, it would be a different person (although with the same DNA it DOES make you wonder... maybe it's like identical twins; two different people but very similar?) Anyway, I digress.
My point is, that we are the product of all of the lives that have touched ours - usually all of the positive influences, but it does not exclude the negative ones as well. All of our experiences make us who we are. My older children got the wonderful benefit of growing up around my parents, but my youngest does not have this privilege. It makes me sad for her but we all try to make up for it. She has a different set of influences, and they are good too. I just wish she could've known them as we did...
I believe God picks the people that will be around us, and I'm glad for the wonderful ones that were part of my 'village.' My goal is to make them proud...