Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Perception is reality..."

Yes, it really is.... There used to be a man who's name was Archie Leach, who was shy and from lower middle class. He decided to move to Hollywood, change his name, wear expensive suits, and start acting debonair and VOILA, Cary Grant was invented. His perception became reality. And this was who he was for the rest of his life.

In the seventies, there was a best seller book called, "Dress for Success." The theory was that if you dressed for success in the interview, you were more likely to get the job offer. There IS a uniform for all different types of groups - bikers, doctors, gangs, country club set, Nascar groupies, Mafia, nerds - you name it. And if you dress the part, you're more likely to be invited in the group you want to be in. The perception will become the reality. If you've ever done any acting, you know that once you put the costume on, the lines become more real and it's easier to transform into your character.
A friend of mine used to have terrible depression. I used to tell him to fake it. Smile and laugh and fake your body out. No one wants to be around someone who is depressed all the time. Family will stay because they love you no matter what, but everyone else will seek out the happy people. But if you can laugh and pretend to be happy, then the perception will become reality.
You are the master of your own destiny. You write your personal story. Life is what you make it. You have a lot more control than what you think...