Thursday, March 25, 2010

"A skeptic is someone who hasn't had an experience yet." - Jason Hawes

Today at my weekly Thursday networking club luncheon, in our separate party room the double french doors (which open to the restaurant) both blew open. We all looked at each other eerily because both sides of the door were indoors, and there was nothing that could've caused it. The owner immediately said, "Don't worry, we have a ghost," and apparently wasn't joking.
I've had ghost encounters my entire life. The earliest recollection is my invisible friend when I was 3 or 4 that I had tea parties with. My mother and older sister thought I was crazy or had a vivid imagination. Since then I've lived in more than a few houses that had ghosts. Why this happened to me, I'm not sure. It does pique my curiosity, so maybe that's it.
My youngest makes me tell my (true) ghost stories to her friends and I'm popular at their parties, since they love hearing them. She notices the orbs in photos now, and even on my iphone we see strange things sometimes. I read the book written by the lady that the Ghost Whisperer TV show is based on, and it's fascinating. People hire her to attend their loved one's funeral to get information, like where something is or who killed them. She says that in all of the funerals she's been at, the deceased is ALWAYS there except for infants. Makes you think! She says almost all of them 'cross over' after the funeral, but some stay with unfinished business.
After my father committed suicide a few years ago, I was at his house sitting at my (then deceased) mother's computer in her home office, and I heard him start coming down the hall. The house had very thick carpet, and he had a paralyzed leg that he sort of dragged after his stroke. It was a very specific sound. He always stopped at the doorway to say hello, and did this day. I got goose bumps. There was no doubt in my mind that it was him.
I don't understand ghosts but I know there's something to it. Even Jesus lingered here for awhile and then ascended to heaven.
I'll have to relay some of my ghost stories in future posts. Happy Thursday!