Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"When Irish eyes are smiling..."

On St. Patrick's Day, I wish I was Irish... I want to look like a beautiful Irish gal like Touched by an Angel's Roma Downey or have the Irish's pretty red hair like Leap Year's Amy Adams.

I still love to watch the old John Wayne Western movies with Maureen O'Hara or Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind. There's just something cool about the Irish. They definitely have good looks, but I like the Catholicism influence too. My ex-mother-in-law is a wonderful Irish Catholic - tough as boots with a heart of gold. And the Irish accent is incredibly sexy, lulling me with a sing-song tempo. It comes as no surprise that a huge number of the NYFD and NYPD are Irish Americans, and many of them were 9-11 heroes too. Such great salt of the earth people... I even love the Fighting Irish of the University of Notre Dame - just seems like God is on their side!
Mmmm, can I fake being Irish since my dad's side of the family is Scottish? It IS close, but I guess not....Still searching for my pot of gold though.