Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"All that glitters isn't gold..." - Shakespeare

Ah yes, another Shakespeare quote. Amazing how relevant he is to today...
With all the news about Sandra Bullock and her husband's cheating on her, it brought this quote to my mind. Hollywood lures like a snake with lies and deception. It beckons with the promise of fame and riches, only to disappoint and ruin lives. I'm sure when Sandra was younger, the call of Hollywood was very exciting. Now, after 20 years in the business, and after the string of actors that have let her down, she might be rethinking her line of work... I see young girls like Heidi Montag, who were plucked from regular life to be on a reality show, and then look at her now. In Hollywood, you can never be young-looking enough, blonde enough or busty enough to satisfy. This poor girl has become a monster trying to appease what she thinks Hollywood desires, but looks twice as old as she did before the last surgery. And she says she might do more... God help her. And God help Sandra too...