Monday, May 10, 2010

"You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far." - Uncle Remus

Am I the only person upset about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Why does no one seem to care? THIS IS HUGE PEOPLE!! HUGE!! It's ruining fishing in the Gulf. It's killing tons of marine life. It's ruining tourism. It is damaging the beaches for years in the Gulf states. It is hurting our environment. Our ocean.
Maybe it's so big that we are just looking the other way... because it's too big to think about. Like a bad dream. We stick our head in the sand.
Why isn't the government doing anything but flying over it and saying, "Wow, this is bad..." Why isn't the media covering it more than sticking it on page 15 of the newspaper? I know we all can't really do anything, except pray. But we can keep it on page 1, so that their 'feet are held to the fire' and something will get done.
When the Exxon tanker spilled years ago in Alaska, it was huge and took years and years to get back to some normalcy. But most of us were so far removed from Alaska, that it seemed like a different country. They already know that this situation is much, much worse. And this is in my backyard. Growing up, we went to the Texas coast every weekend, six months out of the year. It's my home away from home. I've fished often in the Gulf of Mexico, when we left at 5:30 am and didn't get to our destination until noon. I still know people who make their living off of fishing. And tourism. And here we are in the worst economy since the 1930's.... this will make things much worse. It's going to drive up the cost of gas. A lot.
I've watched the Texas beach go from acceptable to unacceptable, and that was before the oil spill. This is just the last nail in the coffin...
We need to pray, hard...