Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

My three greatest gifts are my three children. I cannot imagine life without them... they are such a blessing to me. It's strange but after my own dear mother passed away, it hit me that one of the people who loved me most on this planet was gone. We go through this life and we have the family we grew up with, a spouse (possibly), children (possibly), and friends. If we don't have any of those groups as a blessing in our lives, then life is a LOT harder.
In the movie, "The Blind Side," the true story that Sandra Bullock just won an Oscar for, the young man she took in, didn't have anyone. Can you imagine that? No father. A crackhead mother with 12 children with different fathers. Siblings he didn't know. A friend who helped him in the beginning but later on did not. He had nowhere to go... He didn't have a mother that read childrens books to him as a child - his mother let him down. Then God brought him his 'angel' to step in and be his mother. We ALL need someone to love us. And mothers are at the top of that list.
And you see, it's mutual. We need a mother's love and mothers get to be loved back. It's an awesome experience. It's the most fulfilling 'job' and challenge you can take on. But you get the benefits in return that are far better, and for the rest of your life. And when you're older, next to God, they are all you have.
On Mother's Day, they honor me but it's ME that is honored to have them.
I love you Bubba, Alex and DD - you are my treasures....


Anonymous said...

Love you too Mama

Anonymous said...

That was a good one!