Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Stand by your man" (song by Tammy Wynette)

I'm disappointed in the First Lady... I didn't vote for the current president, but now they are in the White House, and are my representatives for the U.S.A. 

A First Lady has such wonderful opportunities to really do some neat things. She could pick some really cool charities, and with her name on it, they could really soar.
What have we heard about her? She has a garden on the White House grounds. She buys organic.  She changed the waitstaff's clothes.  She loves designer clothes (with sleeveless dresses to show off her toned arms.) It's reported that she loves expensive cuisine like caviar and champagne. I know her mother lives at the White House and helps with her daughters. They go to Hawaii for Christmas. But I haven't really heard much else, and I'm in the news business. I follow news very closely.
We've had so many great First Ladies over the years. And we've had some strong-willed ones. But very few that didn't use their platform to advance their personal causes.
Laura Bush advanced women's causes, but the mainstream media didn't ever report much on her (except at Christmas to tour the White House decorations.) And Hillary isn't much of a girly-girl that liked to redecorate. She was more like the real Vice President during Bill's tenure. Nancy Reagan was known for talking to psychics. Lady Bird Johnson started the wildflower push in Texas. Eleanor Roosevelt was a pistol, and Abraham Lincoln's wife was, well, kind of crazy.
But Michelle? Quien sabe?