Thursday, May 20, 2010

Girl Power

I have a LOT of respect for the Arizona governor. She's got guts. In the continuing saga of the world gone crazy, it's now controversial to pass a law in Arizona since the federal government won't enforce the laws on the books. Go figure. In all of the polls, most Americans want our border enforced. Duh. Even the Atlanta paper went into Arizona and did an expose that proved that TONS of Middle Easterners have gone into Mexico, tried to blend in with them, and then disguised themselves as Mexicans as they crossed into Arizona.

We drove to Disneyland two years ago from Texas and drove along the border, and it was barren. I found out later from people I know that drive to Las Vegas for trade shows, who said they never spent the night and drove straight through because it is really dangerous, and cars are stolen and vandalized all the time... You see the border control all the time, and it felt like we were in a war zone. And I guess, in essence, we were.
It's amazing to me that it takes a WOMAN to have the cajones to sign a law that protects Arizonians, is the best thing for Americans, but it's not politically correct with the liberals. Democrats who don't care about our safety but only about the next election, and passing amnesty before November so that the current illegal immigrants would then be legal and be able to re-elect them. They don't seem concerned that passing amnesty would then allow Social Security to these millions of people and break the country. And that these folks can then get health care (further breaking our country.) And would get free school lunch programs, unemployment, and every other thing that our citizens qualify for. It erases our border. Do we allow everyone in, and make them immediate citizens? And what about the muslims coming over who do not want to assimilate? What are their motives? Why would they want to come to a predominantly Judeo-Christian country? Why do they want to enforce their Sharia law in their areas of our country?
You gotta love Governor Jan Brewer. A true woman to admire...