Sunday, May 30, 2010

"All you can do is the best you can do." - my mom

I seem to be saying this a lot lately.

It seems like, for me and many others I know, that 'blood is trying to be squeezed from a turnip.' I think since the economy has gone sour, many of us are doing more than one person's job, and are getting weary. Most people I know in sales are being told that they will be fired if they are not reaching numbers from '07 and '08 (before the economy tanked.) At many places of employment, they have a hiring freeze or when someone leaves, they are not replaced. The others then have to make up for that position. I have this visual from 'Gone With the Wind' where they kept whipping that horse until it collapsed and died.
So, my word for you, is hold on. Pray that God will give you the energy to finish the task. And remember what my mother used to say, 'All you can do is the best you can do.'
It's all in God's hands.