Thursday, May 27, 2010

"The trouble with the rat race is that, even if you win, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin

I need to remember this. I like to win... Isn't that what we're taught in America? To be the best. To beat everyone else? To make the most money?

The Bible says we're supposed to be content with what we have. And the 10th commandment says we're not supposed to covet. Hmmm... that's a lot of people's favorite past time.
So many people are trying so hard to beat everyone else at something, that they are forgetting to help other people. We're SUPPOSED to put others before ourselves. Hmmm, most people don't do that either....
I'll admit it. I'm competitive by nature. And I'm in sales, so I'm trying to always beat last year's numbers.
But I've got to be careful which races I choose to be in because in the big scheme of things, a lot of them just don't matter.
And really, when it's all said and done, the only race that really matters is the race to heaven...