Friday, May 21, 2010

How Low Can You Go?

Well, a story in this week's news will show you. A man in Philadelphia that has cerebral palsy, left his motorized wheelchair and his dog, Benji, outside while he went in to pay for a sandwich for lunch. Someone stole both. In broad daylight. It was his only form of transportation.
How low can you go?? Evidently these days, lows keep getting lower and lower...
I know there have always been bad people but doesn't it seem like there are more these days? People are losing their moral compass... they don't care about others.
It's just dog-eat-dog non-stop.
(Yes, I'm really tired. I'm having a garage sale tomorrow. Why, I don't know. I will sell really nice things, and everyone will want to buy a sofa for $10. Aaaaaaaaah. I need a vacation...)