Thursday, May 13, 2010

"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." - Andy Warhol

Ok I'm really tired after decorating for 5 straight hours for an 8th grade graduation party, but here are my thoughts today... My mother used to tell me that when she was young, she would go to the circus, and they would have 'freak shows.' There would be the two-headed man or the gynormous fat lady, and everyone would stare at them... Well, hello, we just have a new name for it now. Reality shows, and everyone is trying to be the freak to be noticed. We've got the Gosselins, who took fertility pills and had sextuplets (after having 2 other children.) And now they're addicted to fame and starting their second reality show. We've got the Duggar family show, where they have a child every year for 20 years and name them something that starts with 'J,' until the most recent premature baby.... We had 'Balloon boy' that ratted on his dishonest parents sending up a weather balloon, trying to get a reality show, but landed in jail instead. And we have the young mom who is digging her grave with a fork in front of her young daughter. She's trying to win the Guiness Book of World records? or something similar, and is blogging about it and she eats massive amounts and gains massive amounts of weight, to the detriment of her health..... And the list goes on... ad nauseum... It's just sick.... totally sick... And this is what we've become.

Everyone is looking for their fifteen minutes of fame...


Anonymous said...

Turn off your TV

Anonymous said...

Haha I do! They're in the magazines too!