Saturday, May 22, 2010

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again..."

Just a quick post since I had my garage sale today. Ugh, Ugh, UGH!!! It's exhausting, but successful to make some extra bucks for bills...

My thought today is the oil spill. I have a really bad feeling about this. The media doesn't know what to say, but it's been weeks, and TONS and TONS of oil is now in the Gulf of Mexico.... My total disbelief is that BP didn't have a contingency plan. No plan B. No plan C. Nothing???? They NEVER anticipated that something could go wrong with the cutoff valve? And now they are having meetings with engineers and scratching their heads, and trying experimental domes? And will try to 'throw a bunch of tires on it?' And today, they said the next EXPERIMENTAL project may actually make it WORSE if it doesn't work. Oh my GOSH!!!!!!! Meanwhile the oil is washing up and soaking wetlands, and ruining the fishing in the Gulf, and tourism for the Gulf as summer is ready to start... Wow... I am usually pro Big Business, but these companies are all at fault. It seems a 'vein' has been hit, and the oil is gushing at a much higher speed than EVER anticipated...
God help us...