Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Being defeated is only a temporary condition, giving up is what makes it permanent."

I think I like this quote because it inspires me. My father committed suicide. I try not to think about it, but it hits me pretty often. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Time would have helped him with the death of my mother. And we, his children, had looked forward to getting to know him better, as my mother always ran interference.
It's also how you view money. When you're broke, it's temporary. When you're poor, it's permanent. One has hope and the other doesn't. When you have God in your life, you will always have hope. It's His promise. And it doesn't end with this life. No, the hope is for eternity, which really is what counts. We are on this earth for a tiny blip of time compared to all of eternity. That's where we need to invest for our future.
I read recently that when an interviewer asked Brad Pitt if he believed in God, he said, "No.... no.... NO!" He acted like it was a ridiculous question, like he was way too smart to believe in God. Here's a guy who has all that the world has to offer, great looks, great career, great money, a companion, beautiful children... and he doesn't credit God. He doesn't give thanks to the One who gave him all of that. And he was raised in church in Missouri... I cannot understand how someone can just invest for this life only.

If you're feeling defeated today, hold on. Don't give up... Eternity is forever. Jesus will hold your hand, and He will give you hope. For this life and the next.
Hold on...