Thursday, February 18, 2010

"We are what we repeatedly do." - Aristotle

Well, for some lucky people like Rush Limbaugh, he's known for what he repeatedly does, a conservative commentator. For the rest of us, it's not quite so clear. It does make you think though.... It goes back to that time thing. There are only a certain number of hours in the day, and what are we doing with them? I drive a heck of a lot. Does that make me a driver? I sell ads for a big part of the day. Am I just an ad salesperson? ugh... I certainly don't want to be remembered for THAT.

When I was in college, I heard someone say that you make life's three biggest decisions around the college age - your Master, your mate, and your mission. The first, of course, is obvious. And once you've made that decision, God will help you with the second two. Who you marry is critical to your life, and sets it on it's course. And then what you do... the one the majority of people struggle with. There are certain career areas, like doctors and ministers, that seem to get the calling early in life. For them, they just seem to know. The rest of us? Well, we switch our major many times and hope we've 'landed' in the right field. And then, once we've had children, it's really hard to change course. It's possible, yes, but much harder. I wish I had spent more time really thinking it through back then. Advertising seemed more glamorous at the time....
I'm still trying to help my children figure out their life's destiny. It's such a huge thing. It's what we'll be remembered for. It's scary actually.
What do YOU repeatedly do??