Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -- Henry David Thoreau

Take this from someone who should've done this years ago.... Sit down and figure out what you REALLY want. Forget about the economy, and what do you really want to do for a job. Where do you really want to live? Do you have a burning passion to do something? You must. God puts it in each one of us. Because we all have a purpose. We all have somewhere we're supposed to be. When you're there, things fall into place. I'm not saying it's easy, but it all just fits like a puzzle. When you're out of God's will, everything is a struggle. You're not under God's umbrella of protection. You feel like you're at odds with everything.
It's sort of like the story of Jonah. God told him to go to Ninevah and tell them to repent. But those folks were uber evil and did baby sacrifices, among other things. Jonah didn't want to go. He wanted them to burn in hell. God will never force His will on anyone, but He can make you very uncomfortable i.e. the fish swallowing. He can turn up the heat to try to get you do to something. But you still have free will.

I think God places certain things in our souls. I think musicians aren't happy unless they are doing music. Artists aren't happy unless they are doing art. Dancers. Writers. You get the picture. We all have a purpose. I've heard that we should go back to what we wanted to do when we were young. Sometimes the dream gets warped along the way, and we follow someone else's dream or we settle or just give up. I think a lot of people fall into something and just stay there. But whatever.
Take a day, a weekend, some quality time. And REALLY think what you REALLY want to do. It's there. You'll feel peaceful when it hits you. You'll know in your knower, or as Oprah calls it, you're 'a-ha' moment.
You owe it to yourself. Warren Beatty says, "You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play." Wow.
Would'n't THAT be nice...