Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." -- Robert Byrne

The purpose-driven life...

I haven't read the book, but I know the gist of what it says. We all need to know that we have a purpose on this earth, and we all need to figure out what it is. It's a huge reason people want to be parents - it's so fulfilling and challenging to raise a child from 'ground zero.' And then when they're grown, you really do go through a mid-life crisis, because a big part of your purpose is done. But in addition to this, I've always wanted to make a mark on this world. It's not an ego thing, it's a heart thing. I want to do something BIG. And meaningful. For God.
One of my biggest regrets, is right after college, I felt a calling to go into the Campus Crusade for Christ as a missionary. I applied, and while I waited, my mother was very against it. I chickened out, and have always regretted it. The road not taken. And seemingly, the road of adventure and purpose. I opted for the 'safe' life... I was MEANT to travel. I'm a gypsy. It's in my BONES.
Decisions are part of the hardest part of life for me. The fork in the road. How do you know God's will? When I was younger, I had no clue. I just closed my eyes, and willy-nilly chose. But I'll let you in on a big secret I learned along the way. Your GUT. Your gut doesn't lie. When you get to a big decision, you imagine saying yes and you imagine saying no. And then which one do you feel a 'peace' about, and which one feels like chaos? There's your answer. Of course you pray. That goes without saying. As humans, we tend to rely on our brain, but this isn't always God's will. Sometimes He wants us to do something that seems a little out there, but when you 'know in your knower,' then you just feel it in your gut. You have to practice, because it goes against the brain. It's such a great barometer.
Now YOU know the secret - it won't fail you...