Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You know you're a Redneck when...

Wow... today the BP chairman said, "We care about the small people." He ACTUALLY said that! (He, of course, has apologized now that everyone is up in arms over the statement) but it speaks VOLUMES doesn't it?? And BP needs to stop using the dispersants they are using, as they are terrible for people and terrible for the environment, and HAVE BEEN BANNED IN THE U.K. Again, wow.... I guess England still is in the royalty/serf viewpoint - God save the queen, and to hell with the little people. I've been saying this for awhile. They think the Gulf is a bunch of rednecks, a bunch of little people.

This INFURIATES me. How DARE he say that!!?? So because he's a big wig at BP and they are shrimpers or whatever, they are little people?? Well, he's going to have a rude awakening some day. The Bible says, that someday in heaven, the first shall be last - and THAT'S if this guys makes it at all. One of the 7 things God hates is arrogance...
We have got to wake up that these people CANNOT be in charge of our livelihood - our health, our environment, our children's future....