Monday, June 14, 2010

Redneck Riviera - Day 56

Well, the first thing you need to know is... every night I try to think, "What is the thing I feel the most passionately about, and I will write about that." So, I'm sorry, but it is still the oil spill. I had told myself that I wasn't going to write about it anymore, but again, never say never. It just keeps getting worse. And it's totally irritating me that it is still in FREE FALL after 2 months of this!! I heard today that it's the amount of the Valdez EVERY DAY! Americans look down at the Gulf coast region and think we're a bunch of dumb Southerners, hick rednecks, and the Gulf coast is the 'Redneck Riviera.' Consequently, they don't really care if it gets polluted or not.

And the liberals are pissing me off even more! How TRANSPARENT are they???!!! They have their template - that conservatives are racist and that they are the only ones that care about African-Americans. Well, there are a lot of African-Americans that are really hurting right now (along with a lot of white people and Hispanic people) in our region, but they keep pretending there is no elephant in the room. And where are the environmentalists?? Wildlife are dying in DROVES, but they don't care. It was really about the Global Warming cover, which was supposed to squash Capitalism. That's what THAT is really all about. It's not about pollution or the temperature of the earth. It's about new laws that will hurt 'Big Business.'
And what about the President? His lack of leadership is SCARY... Someone said today, what if this had been a nuclear bomb or explosion? Wow... how much faith do you have now in this administration that they could handle any kind of real emergency? He never had any experience running anything. The guy has stayed in campaign mode. When the families of the 11 that died on the oil rig came to Washington this week, President O was heading to California to campaign for Barbara Boxer. No one even realized that he hasn't even met with BP CEO Tony Hayward yet... Huh? Wouldn't you have done THAT in the first few days? And here we are 2 months down the road...
And BP? They are still in shock evidently. They are very similar to how President O is acting - complete denial. They are cool, just like the president, and just keep pushing the public relations to the tunes of millions instead of sending it to the fishermen and those out of work due to all of this. THIS COMPANY SHOULD NOT BE IN CHARGE NOW. They should pay for the cleanup but not be in charge of it. They are looking out for themselves and trying to minimize their expenses above caring about the health of those affected or the environment - OUR environment.
Which takes me to what I've been saying about large companies. They used to be run by decent, moral people but MOST of the big shots at these huge corporations (AND in government), are only worried about themselves and their own bank accounts. They pay themselves a gazillion dollars and think the little guy doesn't really matter. THEY ARE PUTTING MONEY OVER SAFETY. We cannot trust them!!!! Does anyone hear me??!! Does anyone care??!!
Let me give kudos to who I think deserve it: Fox News, for their fair reporting. Anderson Cooper at CNN - who 'gets' it and has been in southern Louisiana for 4 weeks and interviewing the ones affected and bringing attention to the plight of these folks.
The Hurricane Katrina Lt. General Honore says we need to attack this like it's World War III, because it is.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Neither BP nor Obama have been effective leaders in this situation and it's time for someone else to get involved. Let's stop all the campaign-esque photo ops and the massive PR stunts and GET SOMETHING DONE.