Monday, June 21, 2010

The BEST advice I've ever heard my entire life...

Of all the advice I've given on this blog, albeit through quotes, the best advice I can think of to pass on is something I heard years ago at a newspaper I was working at. This paper was so screwed up, there was no hope, and yes, they DID go out of business. But before that happened, about two years before that, I was complaining non-stop about how screwed up it was. It got to the point that management selected about 15-20 of the worst complainers (yes, it included me) in the whole company (and it was a huge company) from every different department to meet with this gal who had previously worked at the Houston Chronicle. Now, mind you, my entire career, I have been sent to a gazillion sales seminars, but this? It was, to this day, the best advice in life a person (like me) could go to. It was sort of 'How to de-stress yourself' kind of meetings. We met once a week for several months, and I never was so sorry when it ended.

Of the group, over half of them quit the paper we were at. But that's good... you see, she (I think her name was Vickie) kept saying, if we were THAT unhappy, we should find another job. Sometimes people think they need to ride everything out, but no one's holding a gun to your head to stay. It sounds simple but if you're unhappy, leave.
She also said that stress adds up, one by one. So.... if you have, say, a tiny toilet leak that hisses or something, and you just let it bother you every day for six months - then FIX IT. If you have a cracked car windshield that irritates you every time you drive, replace it. We let all these things add up that don't have to. In other words, poop or get off the pot. Quitcherbitchin. Stop all the belly aching and DO something. We don't live in a communist country (yet) where they tell us where to work. You are free to leave.
Here's the biggest thing she said that was an epiphany for me:
People want to be around other people who are FUN and INTERESTING.
Ok, let that sink in. I'll say it again. People want to be around fun and interesting people. No one likes Wendy Whiner or Nancy Negative. Negativity brings everybody down. It's a poison (which is where the expression, 'One bad apple' comes from.) I mean let's face it, family will put up with the complaining, but friends, after awhile, won't. If you watch people who have a lot of friends, they are always very positive, fun people. It's why the book, 'The Secret' sold so many copies. The author said there is a 'Law of Attraction,' which says negative draws negative and positive draws positive. For example, think of the really bad days you've had, and it just keeps getting worse and worse, and you finally say, "What ELSE can go wrong today?" and then you find out! Your law of attraction has negative drawing negative.
I guess this might sound like it's common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many still want to complain non-stop. For instance, I have 3 blogs. My negative one where I get the bad off my chest so I'm not complaining to others, the reality blog (this one) and then my super positive blog. But, I only have this one with my picture. The others are character builders.
So, may I leave you with this. If you keep smiling, it produces some kind of chemicals that makes you happy, even if you didn't start that way. Perception is reality. Start looking happy. Start renting tons of funny movies, because, as the Bible says, "Laughter is the best medicine." And also do what the Bible says, "Don't let ANY unwholesome word come out of your mouth." And this doesn't just mean to not cuss. It means, whatever doesn't build someone up, then don't say it. Only say positive things.
This can really change your life. You should try it. You've got nothing but negativity to lose.
And you'll be amazed at how quickly things will turn around for you...


Unknown said...

Good blog Mama!