Thursday, June 3, 2010

The fun continues..... Day 44

Today on the Drudge report I read of a man, David Arnesen, in his young 30's who lives in Venice, Louisiana. On April 29th, he was working on a shrimp boat all night and he got very sick, as did all the guys fishing on the two shrimp boats. They had similar symptoms - dizzy, nauseous, light headed, feeling faint and throwing up. He's been sick ever since. He's better but doesn't have the energy he used to have. And since he can no longer shrimp because of the oil in the water, he's signed on to be on the cleanup crew for BP.

His wife has finally spoken with CNN about it all, and although afraid he'll lose his job, she says she's got to speak out. She heard someone come to Louisiana to talk about the Exxon Valdez spill and what happened in Alaska, and she knows they got sick from the oil vapors and dispersants.... When the BP CEO was asked about it, he said it was food poisoning.... yeah... all of them? Kindra Arnesen says they all ate different things. And she's asking that the cleanup people get masks, which BP is not supplying at this point.
Of course we're hearing it might even be Christmas until they can get the dang hole plugged.
And if it's an active hurricane season, NO ONE knows what kind of effect that will do to the air quality of the Gulf region. I know BP didn't expect this but neither should the perpetrator be in charge of the cleanup. Pay for it, yes, but can we really trust them with the health of our citizens? The Gulf region is already snubbed by the rest of the country as rednecks. They will do the cheapest way they can and not care about what's best health-wise.
If this had been Cape Cod, we'd have a fleet of ships miles long to protect that...