Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stop the madness

Here's what I'm tired of:

1. Vampires - aaaaaaaaahhh, with the success of the Twilight series, they keep coming like Harry Potter movies, and now we also have True Blood and The Gates, and non-stop movies about this. And a girl in my daughter's class now wears black every day and wears red contacts. Creepy...
2. Reality 'Celebs' - like Kate Gosselin, whom I REFUSE to watch or read about since all she has EVER done is blow out 8 kids, which for some reason, people find fascinating. She's not a good actor, dancer, mother, wife, or anything else I've seen, so I don't really want to waste my time on watching her show or reading about her in any magazine... But there are so many others. Heidi Montag, all the people on The Hills, and all those shows like that, Brody Jenner, all of the Bachelor people like Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi.
3. Tattoos - YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO sick of tattoos!!! They are everywhere and they are trashy and I cannot STAND them. Gang members love them, and young women get their 'Tramp Stamps' and think they are so cool. I think it's a stupid, ugly fad.
4. Piercings - obviously if I don't like tattoos, it stands to reason that piercings are stupid too. I don't like them in noses, eyebrows, belly buttons, tongues or anywhere else. I realize they are a way to rebel but they are only hurting themselves. Oh, and looking really ugly. And being uncomfortable. Yuck.
5. Stupid people - yes, the dumbing down of America has been in progress for years, and the results are coming to fruition, or as one stupid man put it, the 'chickens are coming to roost.' It's not cool any more to be smart like it was when I was young. Being smart used to go along with getting a good job and making a good living, but now with the younger generation dumbed down, they are happy to be drug dealers, gamblers, and thieves. They dream of winning the lottery, and don't even try.
6. Drugs - yes, the bane of our society. When I was young, you didn't have people doing recreational drugs, and our country was a million times better. People were sober, and more responsible, and not just living for the next party non-stop. We have musicians like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones to thank for doing drugs and, as role models, others following.Young people are throwing their lives away. We only get one brain, one body, one life, and consequently one chance. Choose wisely...
7. Hollywood culture - it's a sick disease and it spreads to the rest of the country like a poison. These young actors may say they don't want to be a role model, but they are all looked up to and emulated. Child actors have a slim chance of not getting messed up. (See Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and 95% of all child actors in a sitcom.)
8. Oil spill - or maybe I should say cable tv as well.... ugh, plug the dang hole so we can stop hearing about it. Oh, and I'm tired of BP spending millions on PR campaigns when the money should be going to starving fishermen in Louisiana.
9. Liberals - I'm SO tired of liberals, who are really a bunch of Godless hypocrites preaching their global warming when it's based on proven lies. Where are they? Where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the TV benefits with celebrities and musicians giving heart felt speeches on the poor fishermen, wildlife, beaches and loss of income & suffered Gulf economy??? They were quick to help after Hurricane Katrina when they thought Bush failed, and quick to help Haiti, but not this or the gynormous flood in Nashville. I'm tired of them building government so huge, raising taxes, and spending us into oblivion. These stimulus bills were a sham (and a shame) and did the opposite of stimulating the economy. They just were ways to reward the people that contributed to their campaigns. These people in charge now are committing treason in the damage they are doing to our beloved USA with the debt into the high TRILLIONS.
10. Sports idols in the U.S. who think they are gods - like Tiger Woods, and Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisberger and a gazillion more. They think they are above the law and entitled to whatever they want.
I think the next election will show the anger of those of us who want the craziness to stop. Years ago, there was a saying from a movie called 'Network,' where the actor says, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."
Well said...


Pearl said...

Jacob, thanks for your comments - I'm always amazed if someone reads my blog. I wrote this 2 years ago, and yes, I was venting. As a baby boomer, I remember how things used to be, and I am guessing you are younger, so this is all you know. But things are worse, much worse, and it gets frustrating. True, I need to be more Christ-like, but He's working on me. I am not a hater. I truly do pray for those that are on the wrong path but I have my days when it all gets to me. I'll try harder to be more tolerant, and appreciate your comments.