Friday, April 30, 2010

"That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

My post is short today... I have a company wedding tonight, so must be brief. It's been bothering me a few days. This week I read (I think on Drudge report) that an aborted baby in Italy was tossed outside with the garbage. A Catholic priest saw it and went over to pray, and saw that it was breathing and kicking. He took him to the hospital and he lived two days. This disgusts me beyond measure... When I used to work at a metro paper in Dallas, I worked with a guy who's wife worked in a major Dallas hospital. She refused to do abortions, which at the hospital, were all very late term abortions. She said they would pull them out, and kill them as they did (now called partial birth abortion) and sometimes they wouldn't be completely dead, and would be thrown in the garbage and kicking....

What kind of a world are we living in?? God have mercy on us....