Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Happiness is a choice..."

Are you happy? I get asked this a lot and the answer is, compared to what? Happiness is relative. Compared to being sick, then yes, I'm happier than a clam. I'm happier than living in Haiti or Cuba or China or Africa. I could be living in Afganhistan or Iraq - wartorn countries. Or live in Pakistan or a Muslim country and have to wear a Burka and not be able to worship as a Christian without the threat of prison or death.

I think happiness is based on meeting our own expectations. If you would have asked me in high school if I'd be where I'm at in life at this age, I never would have believed it. I had MUCH higher expectations of myself, and at my age, I'm not young anymore. I'm still surprised at where I'm at... but life happens in small steps with everyday choices and many of mine were poor choices. They weren't intentional - just poor. I chose advertising for a career because it sounded fun, and I was all about having fun when I was younger. I never thought about the future but should have. My unconscious thought must have been, 'Manana.' But I never thought about retirement or saving or the future. I've never been a good planner, and if you 'aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time.'
Happiness gets down to seeing the glass half empty or half full. Happiness really is a choice. Joy comes from doing God's will. Happiness comes from meeting our personal goals OR deciding we're going to be happy regardless of our circumstances. The Bible says a lot about being content with what we have. We can still aspire and pursue more, but we must be thankful for what we have. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you." I think God is trying to help us not be miserable with these words...
Mind over matter!