Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Shop 'til you drop..."

Well, I'm dropping... ugh... we've been shopping all afternoon looking for dresses for my seventh grader's Spring Dance and 8th Grade Graduation Dance - one casual dress and other dressier like wedding.

I've never been a shopper. My dear mother used to take my fashionable middle child shopping all the time, which was wonderful bonding time for both at the mall. As a matter of fact, after she passed, Alex had dreams of them at the mall together...
I WISH I loved shopping - it's what girls are supposed to DO! But I've always worn my hair the same and I buy the first pair of shoes that fit and then buy them in several colors. I was always sort of a tomboy that wanted to be a girly-girl. That's why when Alex, my first daughter, was born, I bought all the pink, and roses, and flowers and accessories, so she'd be REAL girly-girl. And she certainly is. She is our shopping and fashion consultant since she has the knack for knowing how and where to buy. And her new husband is actually pretty good as well!
To me, shopping is only REALLY fun if you have a lot of money, but I have to work with what I have, so......
Lottery anyone??