Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"You only have the rights you are willing to fight for."

I try really hard to not get political but I have strong core values that cannot be compromised... Tomorrow is April 15th, and unless you've been in a cave, or climbing a mountain without a cell phone, you know that all of the Tea Parties around the country are happening. T.E.A. stands for Taxed Enough Already. Last year I attended the tea party at the town I work in, and it was completely refreshing to be with kindred spirits. There was no fighting, no bad words, and no racism. It was just people like me who are sick of government trying to take away our freedom and run our lives. I heard today that the liberals are asking people to go to these this year and be racist and make a ruckus so that it will get on tv and make a bad name for Tea Party folks... This is the kind of people that we are dealing with.
I've found that most liberals have one cause that make them a liberal - pro-abortion, homosexual, illegal amnesty, etc. or just an anti-Christian. They don't believe in Judeo-Christian values and are quickly trying to do away with them.
It's time to stand up for what we believe. It's time to make noise. It's time to work on the candidate of our choice's campaign. It's time to do all that we can possibly do to save our country from turning into Canada, France or Cuba.
Check out the Tea Parties tomorrow, and remember, the 'Power of One.'


Anonymous said...

Stop saying you don't want to talk about politics and then do. There is nothing wrong with talking politics.