Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"He who spares the rod, hates his son..." - Proverbs

Bullying gets on my last nerve. For example, this recent case of the high school kids in Massachusetts that bullied the new girl from Ireland, so much so, that she committed suicide. And if you're a regular reader of my blog, you know that my father committed suicide, so it's something that hits a raw nerve with me. Everyone is playing the blame game. My co-workers all think that Facebook is responsible. This seems ridiculous to me. It's like gun control - guns don't kill, people do. You simply cannot police these social networking sites. It goes back to the parents, and probably the lack of discipline these kids got. This is the price we are paying for letting the schools raise our kids. Every school we know of has a bullying problem. And actually it's a PERSONALITY problem with the kid. We have to teach the difference between right and wrong. These kids have no conscience. And there has to be CONSEQUENCES for wrong doing.

At my youngest's current school (she's in 7th grade) there have been several cases of bullying this year. And her school has had three children that I know of, leave the school for this reason. The first case did involve Facebook, and when the grandmother went to the principal, he said that he couldn't do anything since it wasn't on school property. She then said she would go to the local police. The principal finally decided to discipline the wrong doers any way since it is a private school, and they are supposed to behave or they cannot go there. But the public schools don't have much recourse.
Back in my day, they didn't need all of these 'alternative,' (a.k.a. you're one step from juvenile detention) schools like they have now. If you were acting unacceptable, you got kicked out. End of story. Of course, they could paddle back then. Oh, and pray. And say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Back in the 'old days' there were still bullies - it's human nature. But most had parents that would spank, ground them or pull privileges until the lesson was learned.
It's either learn it now or learn it later in prison.
I'm just saying....