Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"I've seen the future and it is us."

Just posted a very cool video about how it might be for some in 2020. Gosh that sounds so far away... yet it's only in 8 years and 3 mos...

This morning at work I was lamenting about how Americans don't invent things anymore, and my coworker showed me this video. But I mean, come on... When I was young and everyone went to Disneyland, they had this COOL exhibit called Tomorrowland that showed us Baby Boomers how cool it would be when we were adults. And we watched the cartoon the Jetsons, and were overwhelmed with their life of touch buttons. Remember the one with Judy Jetson saying her fingertips hurt from pushing buttons all day? Hello! Here we are. I'm thinking, life in 2011 has started to become the Jetsons and am wondering if the Jetsons creator knew that today's inventers would reference his creativity and make those things happen? And WHERE are the forward thinking people like the Jetson's creator of today? Are the only ones inventing at Apple? Americans not only don't produce anything any more, but we also don't invent anything any more either. We've become a nation of slackers. We sit in front of the TV or the video games or the sports event and say, "Entertain me, entertain me." and "Dance, monkey, dance!" Our country is doing worse and worse in math and science, and the only math professors in colleges these days are foreign. No one's a math major any more! Or for that matter, a doctor. The new generation just want to be pop stars or hip hop stars. We want to spend beyond our means and think we're entitled to things without hard work. In the area of Texas that I live in, only the Hispanics do the hard work. They're the only ones who are even willing to work. What's happened to the American work ethic? Have the unions ruined that for our society? And remember when Hurricane Katrina happened - there were GENERATIONS of folks who had never worked. They sat on the porch and collected a check just like their parents and grandparents before them. This is why long term welfare is actually very detrimental for our society. It creates dependents. Victims. Entitlements. A cycle of welfare. Which leads to a cycle of crime. It's just a vicious cycle. We've let the NEA dumb down our schools and dumb down our kids, and now the top universities have all the foreigners that actually learned something. It's going to be a long way back. A long, painful way back.
If we even can...