Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Will She or Won't She? Only her hairdresser knows for sure..."

I'm angry at Sarah Palin.... I WANT to like her. She's an accomplished female politician that helped clean up Alaska's politics as governor. She's a mother with 5 children. She's still married to her high school sweetheart. She's an evangelical Christian like myself. She is a strong speaker. She was on John McCain's ticket as vice-president in the last election. And she has a Down's Syndrome child that she is so strong for. So why am I mad?

It's been happening for awhile. I didn't like it that she quit her term as Governor of Alaska. Or when she implied Rick Perry in her talk of cronyism, yet had been at many Tea Party rallys in Texas that he invited her to. She rides around on her bus, yet seems to ride the fence if it's a political venture or not. She keeps teasing the public with the 'will she or won't she' run for president. All of the press seems to have jaded her. She had been close to Michelle Bachmann, yet now seems to throw her under the bus.
I don't know... I guess I don't like this, 'every person for himself' attitude. Yes, they are running against each other but at what expense? I get that she wants to tweak Big Media, but it's gone too far. She rides around on the bus and meets with Donald Trump and makes speeches, yet won't commit. She's just become toxic. She's not like Ronald Reagan, who was able to keep his cool. And I KNOW that we need someone strong who will tow the line, but I just think Perry is the one to do this. He hasn't seemed to be an attack dog like she has become. Do I think there is a place for her? Sure. She could easily work for the next Republican president with oil and energy, as this is her forte.
Just not as president. Please.