Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Be careful what you wish for..."

Recently New York City's Mayor Blumberg made a prediction that there would be rioting in the streets. Evidently that self-proclaimed prophecy has come true, and it's called "Occupy Wall Street." I didn't know about this since Big Media is not covering it. No, I learned about it from my thirty-something son, who found out about it from twitter. Seems the college kids are mad that they can't find jobs, and are protesting out of lack of knowledge, as I see it. They are protesting that the rich pay less taxes than the others, which is not true by any statistics. I'm not rich, but I call them as I see them, and the rich are the ones creating the jobs, not people like me.

These 'kids' are coming from liberal universities close by, and have been fed the liberal agenda, so of course anarchy is always the answer.The Huffington Post reported today that Ryan Reed, 21, a senior at Rutgers University, was missing class to attend the protest, but his professors are letting him make up the work by writing papers about the experience. Ryan said, "The enemy is the big business leaders of Wall Street, the big oil company leaders, the coal company leaders, the big military industrial leaders." Another student, Kaitlyn Leigh, 21, from Rochester said, "It's all about creating a community in this liberated space."
Why is everybody so stupid?