Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Men are only as loyal as their options."

OMG! I do feel terribly sorry for Bristol Palin because she will be tied to this horrid 'Baby Daddy' for the rest of her life... Granted, she was really young when she got pregnant, and I'm sure his good looks were all she could see.

And now? She's 19 with a baby (who IS gorgeous), no college, and trying to make ends meet. When they announced they were getting back together again, and were going to get married, few thought it was a good idea. Few thought it would last. After all he had said about the Palins? And going to Hollywood doing magazine shoots for Playgirl and buddying up with Kathy Griffin, who might be the spawn of satan....
And it did cross my mind that the marriage was due to her challenging financial situation. The magazine cover brought lots of money, but word on the street was, to get the payoff, she couldn't tell her parents. (This would bring more drama since Sarah Palin would have to find out like the rest of us, through the media.) And most mothers want to have the father raise the child if they are decent, but it turns out, that Levi is not. Bristol found out the day the magazine hit the stands, that Levi may have gotten a recent girlfriend pregnant AND was going to do a reality show, which insinuated dissing the Palin family... It was more than Bristol could take.
And now, Levi is going to do the reality show about running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (a job Sarah Palin had before being elected governor of Alaska.... What a jerk. Levi is scum.
He could've lived a good life with Bristol and son, but he's thrown it all away for his 15 minutes of fame. Hope it was worth it.


Unknown said...

Levi has no soul. I too feel SO sorry for Bristol and the baby.