Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union..."

Yes, I'm going to weigh in on the prospective mosque at Ground Zero. THIS IS COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!!!
Hello!? The radical Islamists attacked Americans by hijacking 3 jets and flew them into the tallest buildings in the U.S., the World Trade Center and also Pentagon but were foiled in the 4th jet heading for the White House.
Most Americans with any sense view the area where the World Trade Center as sacred ground, much as we view the area of Pearl Harbor when we were attacked by the Japanese. To allow the same religion to build a mosque IN THE SAME AREA is preposterous!! They have said they want to name it the "Cordoba" Center. Cordoba, in Islamic symbolic terms, means Islamic rule in the West, not "coexistence" as some will tell you.
As my co-worker said, this is like building a KKK center (which we, of course, abhor) on Obama's childhood home.
This is insulting, anyway you slice it...