Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

Apple's new iPhone 4S has "Siri," a voice assistant that helps the iPhone user with reminders, directions, sending messages and answering questions from a large database. Android was then quick to introduce "Iris" (Siri in reverse, how clever) as a free app to answer their user's questions, and it has become an extremely popular app.

Like Siri before, Iris is now being accused of being anti-abortion. Apple explained Siri to have a technical problem caused by its beta status. Iris, however, is powered by ChaCha. When you ask Iris "is abortion wrong?" the Android app will answer:
Yes, abortion is wrong. The Lord has said, "You shall not murder," (Exodus 20:13.) The life that is growing within the mother is a child, a baby. The Bible looks at the life in the womb as a child. Thanks! When asked if Noah's Ark was real, it replied that, indeed, it "is biblically believed to be real. it gave forth a new beginning to a underserving earth." If you ask if humans come from monkeys, the answer will be "a part of Darwin's Theory of Evolution is that human's over time evolved from apes. Since it is a theory, it can't be proven." Also according to Iris, Satan is real, "the spirit of evil. He is not a person. He is an adversary of God, tempter of mankind."
Now that this information has surfaced, Android/ChaCha is changing the answers to those questions and frantically searching for others. They were unaware at first of these "extremist Christian" views, as they called them.
And so... here we go again. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, it disturbs me that the "keepers of knowledge" that are the go-to sources for everyone under the age of 40 are ultra-liberals. On the internet, there are only a few large companies that control EVERYTHING. As I've mentioned, try 'googling' any dictator and see all of the positive articles about how great they are. And as this story illustrates, Google jumped over hoops to make sure this kind of information was changed immediately, as Apple did when they learned that 'Siri' was pro-life. There WILL be robots in the future, and a human will program them, just as these robotic artificial intelligence voice assistants are currently being programmed from databases.
The question is, WHO will supply the databases?