Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Two wrongs don't make a right..."

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is being mocked by the press since he is openly Pro-Life. Santorum stated that he doesn't believe federal funding (that's our money, folks) should go to Planned Parenthood because of the ties to breast cancer and abortion. I whole-heartedly agree!! But he will be roasted for his beliefs since Planned Parenthood is a "machine" for liberal policies such as abortion, and they will assault him with all that they have.

Bravely he also told CNN in January that "even a child conceived through rape is a 'gift' and 'make the best out of a bad situation.' Again, I agree. And I realize that I am in the very small minority with him on this one, but we are talking about LIFE here, however it happens. Life does not begin at birth, it begins at conception. All of the DNA is complete when the sperm hits and the egg, and after that life has begun. There is a heartbeat in just 2 weeks. If you kill the child, it's murder. Period. For ANY reason. Yes, it would be horrible to be raped. Horrible. But 2 wrongs don't make a right. The child could be given up for adoption. Why is this never an option?
A few years ago I read a (real) story of a woman that was raped and gave the child up for adoption. Twenty years later she went looking for that child. She found her daughter, who looked just like her, and had a very similar personality, and now they have the most delightful relationship. But I digress. The point is that she didn't murder her child, and did the right thing. The Bible says, "Children are a gift from the Lord." It doesn't same some times. It is a given. It means always. And there are millions of people who would love to adopt a child. Have we as a nation become so spoiled that convenience, shame or embaressment trumps killing??
I believe we know the answer...