Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"We can do it!"

Just saw today that today over 14 million are unemployed in the U.S.

We have more men and women idle than at any time since the Great Depression.
One out of five men of prime working age are not getting up to go to work.
The unemployment rate is 16% nationwide.
Ten years ago, 5 million were collecting federal disability payments, now the number is 8 million.
My grown children call me exasperated with their jobs because things aren't like they used to be. It seems no one can just go and do their job anymore. Each time someone quits, it's like musical chairs. And the company employees have to take up the slack because no one is rehired to do that job. And everyone is stressed and can't take it anymore. And there's no money to do what they used to do, which adds even more to the stress. They can't even afford to have children living in Austin. I would like to say it's going to get better, but I don't think it will for a long time. And LOTS will change in the mean time and maybe not in my life time.

We ALL know how important the next election is. Critical. The very future of this nation hangs on this election. So here's my ideas of what the next president should do:

1. Close the borders. All of the illegals in Texas are ruining the school systems and the healthcare here. I say we should give amnesty to the ones that are here since they already are, but COMPLETELY CLOSE THE BORDERS. If we don't do this, we are wasting our time. If we keep letting people over, we will not be able to recover. Period. Trust me people. If you're not in Texas, you don't understand. They are the majority here now and they are making demands.
We HAVE to close the borders or else...
2. Repeal Obamacare or else we go under. Period. It was ridiculous and we should be able to annul it since no one even read it. This is a no-brainer.
3. Get out of all the wars we are in. How in the world can we win???!!! Those people have no quality of life and are willing to strap bombs to their children to get to the virgins with Allah. A nuclear bomb would not end it like with World War II. Nothing will. We need to save our young people's lives and save the trillions.
4. We need to stop sending a billion here and a billion there at all the other countries. Stop with the borrowing money to pay other countries. It's insane.
5. We need to keep jobs here in America and put penalties on businesses that outsource. Period.
6. No more stimulus. No more TARP. No more "too big to fail." No more buying the lies. We need to always let the market fix itself.
7. We need to get much much stricter with disability and unemployment benefits. Only to the ones in real need. The Bible says if a man doesn't work, a man doesn't eat. Amen to that.
8. We need to stop the insanity about "separation of church and state." We need our freedoms back. We need state's rights back.
9. All politicians get the same healthcare as everyone else. And they have term limits. We don't want or need the lifers like Ted Kennedy who keep voting themselves raises.
10. We need to return to what the country's founding fathers wrote and follow the constitution.

U.S.A. - Love it or leave it, but don't change it.