Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world."

Just saw the movie "Super 8," and I don't usually talk about movies on my blog, but this movie is just really special. Just when I thought Steven Spielberg couldn't do it anymore, he's come out with his best film yet, or at least has matched some of his earliest great films. I won't give away any secrets, but the show just has a charisma, a magic, that only some movies do. Too, it's set in 1979, so the entire movie is a walk down memory lane - the cars, the clothes, the hairstyles, the music, the electronics. Maybe that's why it was so refreshing.... It was none of the mayhem that is today -- no hip hop, no porn, no economic meltdown -- just junior high kids in a fun plot.

Go see it to escape the present!