Thursday, June 2, 2011

"School's out for SUMMER!" - Alice Cooper

Well... it's not "Sand Lot," but it's as close as we can come. Yes, the last day of school!! And the last day of Junior High!! Yippee!! No more junior high drama!! Finally! Maybe DD can begin our only high school in the fall and have 4 wonderful years? I hope so.

Our town has a tradition of hazing the incoming freshman on the last day of school, so they were all ready for it. But the local police were also ready, and caught one of DD's guy friend's older brother with a truck full of syrup, and flour, et al, and confiscated it all and told him to go home. So, DD's swimming party was great, but alas, no hazing. They still had fun - with the boys on either side of the pool lobbing balls at each other, and the girls in the middle screaming.
Some things never change...