Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Would Jesus Do?

I really cannot believe the GALL of this SUPPOSEDLY Christian Church that would want to protest the funeral of the nine year old girl that died in Arizona's shootings on Saturday. And all because her family is Catholic??!! Have they READ the Bible??!! These people are doing the OPPOSITE of 'What would Jesus do?' They also protest soldier's funerals who have died in the line of duty; fighting for THEIR freedoms. This is baffling!

And like others who purport to be Christians but do the opposite of what Jesus said, (other groups like the Klu Klux Klan,)  these people are an embarressment to those of us who try to follow what Jesus said. They are a stumbling block to people of no faith and are hurting the true mission of being a Christian. Jesus' message was of love, true unconditional love. The purpose of all true Christians on this planet is to tell others of God's love, that He sent His son to die on the cross for their sins, and that Jesus knocks on their door - not to force Himself in, but to be invited in. 
These kinds of people are filled with hate and are marching under the guise of God. 
This is a very dangerous combination....