Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth,

but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29

Well, it's not a New Year's resolution, but it is a lifetime goal.... no more bad words. Ugh.
I already gave up sugar, and now eating isn't nearly as fun... but my mouth has gotten worse over the years. I mean, I've given up most of my vices - drinking, smoking, sugar.... but now I've got to stop with the bad words. It's not classy... it's just VERY cathartic. I mean a 'good' bad word can make me feel better when I say it. It's such great release. And as much as I admire Sarah Palin, when she starts doing her suedo bad words? Well, let's just say that's much worse than the real thing. I'm setting a bad example for my children, but when you're driving in Austin, Texas?? Where the traffic is now worse than Dallas or Houston? And you have all these young, inexperienced drivers driving WAY too fast? Well, a choice word just feels good. But it's got to stop. It's wrong and I have no excuse. And it looks bad on middle-aged women. My mother's mother had a real mouth on her. I learned most of my good ones at an early age from her in small town traffic. And it didn't look good on her either...
So here's to a cuss-free 2011... so help me God....


Bright Ukwenga said...

Nice piece. Maybe you should check this out too