Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Fight the good fight of faith..." - 1 Tim. 6:12

Soooooooo much in the news today if you're a conservative.... I was able to listen to Rush as I made sales calls in and out of my car and if you haven't heard this, it's interesting. Earlier this week Rush commented on a female law student, Sandra Fluke, at Georgetown University who had made her case on Capitol Hill that she wanted her birth control paid for, because she and other women like her, could not afford it with the high cost of college... Rush has been taken out of context (as usual) as the liberals try to fire up their base over "women's health issues" since the economy is tanking no matter how hard Big Media tries to spin it. As Rush said, it's really a case of welfare and it's the first issue the Left is 'going to the mats over' in the push for government paid healthcare. Rush was trying to make the point that this makes no sense, which I TOTALLY agree with. I personally don't want to pay for this woman's birth control NOR do I want to pay for her abortion - it is HER responsibility, and as Rush added, her partner's responsibility. He did have a caller who said, half jokingly, that this female law student could add the cost of birth control to her student loan, and thus pay for it herself. And if she can't pay for her own birth control, STOP HAVING SEX!! What IS it with the entitlement complex with that generation?? They deserve to have as much sex as they want AND they deserve to have it paid for AND if, by chance, they get pregnant, we are to allow them an abortion AND pay for it?????

This is the result of "Make Love and Not War" and Free Love and all of the cliche's about the hippy's and their doctrine of the 60's. THIS is the result. My 9th grader just this week had an abstinence teacher come to her high school and say that in my generation there were only 3 STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) in the 70's and they were curable. Now there are 28, and the only 3 curable ones are the same as the 70's. THIS is the result of that mindset. Her teacher blamed it on The Pill and that women could have sex without fear of getting pregnant. So here we are... this country has been turned inside out. And when my generation is dead, THEN what... We've got to draw a line in the sand (in case you are younger and go to public school, that's a line from the alamo.) We've got to stop this freight train to hell and turn it around. And I mean this in every sense, financially, socially, everything. We've gone too far. We're headed off a cliff. We've got to be outraged. We've got to be willing to fight this war.
Which brings me to my other topic, Andrew Breitbart. I didn't know much about him, but what I did know I liked. A lot. And I am completely saddened that someone this brave is gone. Someone who was willing to fight on the front lines and did, has died. The words I've heard today describing him are fearless, courageous, bold, brilliant, warrior. I only hope I could have the same words said about myself. If you, too, are a conservative, you know that we are in the battle for the soul of America, which then effects the entire planet. We have to take it battle by battle, just like Andrew did. Just like Rush does. It's time to get our armour and help them.
And it starts today...