Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"It's time to draw a line in the sand..."

Has anybody noticed?!? We're going to hell in a handbasket, but who would know if they watched Big Media news??? No one can afford to fill up their gas tank because the Democrats won't let us drill - not on the land - not in the ocean - and not even a pipeline to bring it here... The stock market is completely sucking. And unemployment is really, really high. And I live in Texas, where we are said to be one of the best states for jobs, but here are the people that I know who are unemployed - my son, my ex-husband, my life-long best friend, my brother-in-law, my nephew, and THAT'S just for starters.

But if you turn on the TV, all you would hear about is that Rush called a 30-year-old hack activist a few bad words, which he subsequently apologized for. You would hear that born-again Christian and previous actor, Kirk Cameron, has called homosexual behavior destructive. You would hear that Republicans are women-haters and contraception haters... you just wouldn't EVER hear the real State of this Union. We need more Rush Limbaughs, more Glenn Becks, more Sean Hannitys... We need more brave, fearless warriors like Andrew Breitbart, who were conservative watchdogs and wanted to change things in a "Big" way. We need leaders to arise to run the Tea Party and take on the Progressives. It is THEY that are the "establishment" now, not the other way around. It is time to say enough is enough. It's time to draw a line in the sand. It's time to decide if our freedom is really worth fighting for, and I don't mean against our foes overseas.
I mean the enemy in our midst...