Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Win one for the Gipper"

There are so many negative things I could write about, but I'm not going to...

In my effort to be positive tonight, one of the things that REALLY makes me happy is that Rick Santorum won the Louisiana primary. Thank God!! He is SUCH a standup guy with such an admirable family. Sure there are some things that I disagree with, but the main thing to me is that the president have a strong moral character so that when he comes to the decisions he has to make as leader of this country, he will pray and ask for wisdom in those things. Santorum is this kind of man, and is evidently strong enough for this grueling process that has become even more so due to the Left's Big Media Spin & Lie Machine. The things they have already said about his children are despicable, but then they have a double standard with anything their opposition says. Because of Big Media, it appears we are "losing the war" in this country, but guess what? God is still in control, He's still the King of Kings and He will triumph!!
And along the same lines, I'd also like to mention something, actually someone else who lifts my spirits tonight - Tim Tebow. I'll admit I was really disappointed when the Denver Broncos let him go for Peyton Manning, but after I thought about it, I realized, again, God is in control. Yes, He allows free will on this planet, but His word says He works "all things together for good, to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Well, Tebow certainly qualifies for that verse, so I am assured that He will bring great things regarding Tebow in New York. I read recently that the United States has now become a missionary field for Africans - sounds weird but when you think about it, it makes total sense. And where else but New York would be the epicenter of this mission field?
Anyway. Tebow is up for the challenge.
And I'll be adding him to my prayer list...