Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"It would take an 'act of God' for Santorum or Gingrich to win." - Mitt Romney

Well, Mitt, that's what I'm counting on... as much as you seem like a really nice man and look presidential, I still think you just see which way the wind is blowing, and go with that. I don't see passion in what you say - I see ambition. And I think ambition is fine in running companies, but we need someone with strong convictions to be captain of this ship in America. We need someone who cares about the poor and the rich, unlike what you said a month ago. We need someone who fights for life, and especially the unborn, not someone who changed their mind about it. And we especially need someone who won't go to judges for underage girls to get consent for abortions. One question that I would like to ask you, is why do you want to be president of the United States? My guess is that you will say it will be to turn us around financially, which is something that definitely needs to happen. But it's not the only thing. We have lost our moral compass and need someone to help us get it back. And really, that is more important. I'm reminded of the Bible verse, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all other things will you then be added." For me, Rick Santorum is the man for this job, and so I'm hoping God will act, bringing the act of God that you say is necessary. And the Republicans can certainly use your business expertise, and put you in high places.
I'm glad we had this talk...