Thursday, March 29, 2012

"The more people I meet, the more I like my dog..."

If you would indulge me one more personal post, then I will get back to saving the world tomorrow, one post at a time.

After our traumatizing ordeal yesterday, DD and I decided we no longer wanted to live in a neighborhood where our neighbors do not respond when someone is yelling "Help me" at the top of their lungs at dinner time. We decided to put the house up for sale. My town is pretty nice for the most part, but last night, they acted like New York City. If I wanted soul-less people who don't care to help their neighbor in need, then I would live in the big city. But I have chosen a quaint small town and I expected better. A LOT better.
The response from friends was huge - even bigger than when my parents died, but then we didn't have Facebook ten years ago... And DD said her entire high school, including teachers were entirely sympathetic. But then most people have a dog, love dogs or used to have a dog, so pretty much everyone can relate. Pets bond us to each other. Pets give us unconditional love. Pets are part of our family. But my neighbors??
They let me down...