Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to slaughter." - George Washington

One thing that has GOT to happen if this country is going to continue to be free, is that it must be revealed who Big Media really is. It's something Andrew Breitbart was committed to - exposing the fact that they are the arm of the Democrat party - and consequently starting Alternative Media to actually attempt to be truthful (or at least cover the other side of the coin.)

The example today is the Prez's older daughter, Malia, who is evidently in Mexico for Spring Break with her (private) school. Evidently there had been some stories out there about this on various outlets' web sites, and Glenn Beck's alternate media, The Blaze, noticed that these stories all were mysteriously disappearing, with no explanation. From The Telegraph to The Huffington Post, these news sites deleted related stories. "It doesn't surprise me that the White House would request that journalists not cover the spring break of the president's daughter, it surprises me that (outlets) would just take the stories down, noted Poynter Institutes's Kelly McBride. She added, "Part of the problem is that it leaves the audience wondering what type of power the Office of the President has over the media." The Institute's Jane Kirtley agreed, calling the removals "a little bizarre," claiming that it is "virtually impossible" for media outlets to take something back once it's been published. She thinks a correction would have been the best way to handle the situation. McBride concurred that the trip itself wasn't the story, but the fact that since it is the president's daughter, it would be reasonable for reporters to ask about the safety of the trip (since warnings were given to Americans not to travel to Mexico for Spring Break) and also "reasonable to ask if it is an appropriate use of resources to send 25 Secret Service agents to guard a 13-year-old in Mexico and her entourage."
Ya think...